Becoming a New Zealand Women in Wine Mentee
It is hoped that the 2024 mentoring programme will enable one person from each of the 9 New Zealand wine regions to be paired in a mentoring relationship with an experienced mentor from the wine industry within their region. This is subject to the number of applications received and suitable matches available. In regions where there are multiple applicants we also hope to match other suitable pairs, reaching a total of 12 mentor-mentee matches in total around the country.
Why mentoring and what does it involve?

Mentoring is a process of matching an individual (mentee) with a trusted and experienced individual (mentor). It is important to recognise that mentoring is not coaching or training. Your mentor will not tell you how to do your job or solve your problems directly, but they will support you and use their considerable experience to help you understand better what you hope to achieve within your career. They will share their wealth of experience and networks with you to help you achieve your goals. They will guide you and encourage different ways of thinking. Although the programme is for six months, the value of a mentor relationship can last far longer.
In order to cover the costs of running the programme a sum of $1250 + GST will be paid by the successful mentee applicants. We believe this is a fantastic opportunity and investment in self development. The fee includes the induction workshop plus six one on one meetings with your mentor. (Please note that all mentors are providing their time and expertise voluntarily and receive no payment other than travel to their training session.).
We anticipate that there will be considerable interest in the programme and therefore it is likely to be over subscribed, however, this will not stop applicants from applying again in the future.
If you feel you would benefit and would like to be considered for mentoring, please ensure you satisfy the criteria below and submit the application form by 3 June 2024.