98% of New Zealand vineyards and wineries measure and record the total water they use.

Making sure every drop counts and minimising our impact on water quality is key to ensuring our water supply remains both secure and clean for the future. A precious resource, water is of critical importance to New Zealand’s wine industry, especially in vine irrigation, frost protection and winemaking.
Using water as efficiently as possible is a priority for our industry, and that’s why we’re proud that a high number of our members are implementing initiatives to conserve water or reduce their water use.
Creative thinking and innovative solutions are resulting in wineries and vineyards developing initiatives such as wastewater wetlands, investing in restoring ecosystems, creating on-site storage wells, and making the most of our terroir.
97% of vineyards optimise their water applications for irrigation.
- 92% of vineyards have practices or initiatives to conserve or reduce water use
- 89% of vineyards have leak detection and repair programmes
- 19% of vineyards are benchmarking their water use over time
- 10% of vineyards are purchasing new equipment that enables water efficiencies
92% of wineries have initiatives to conserve of reduce water use.
- 71% of wineries have leak detection programmes
- 49% of wineries are recovering and recycling cleaning water
- 86% of wineries have shut-off hose nozzles to reduce water use